Equinox Meeting Ground with Sister Streamkeeper Rejjia Camphor and Rev. Queen Tuya Nu
5 to 7 pm, Friday, September 23, 2022
Meet Ground with Sister Streamcatcher Rejjia Camphor and Rev. Queen Tuya Nu for the Equinox, in person, on-site in Hanlon Park or via our web-based app.
We’ll gather from 5 to 7 pm, Friday, September 23, 2022, in the park.
5 – 6 pm Ritual Cleaning/Clearing (note: we will be in ceremony and our labor is considered an offering for healing
6 pm Ritual storytelling. Stories of the place. Honoring those who were and are here and hearing about Rejjia Camphor’s actions on the land
6:30 pm Invocations
Salutations of the 8 directions (everyone who wishes can participate, it’s easy to learn) - 5 min
Water pouring for ancestral energies (everyone can call on their ancestors when guided) - 5 min
Food and activity offering 5 min
Seal / ceremony (10 minutes)
Closing of rituals and ceremony by Queen Tuya Nu
7:01 pm sunset