
Equinox Meeting Ground

Equinox Meeting Ground

Meet ground with art students! Members of the art foundations program at the University of North Carolina Greensboro are making land art to mark the equinox. Join them from your ground or, if you are nearby between 11:30 and 1:30 pm ET on Thursday, March 20th, come in person to see their handiwork at locations around campus including:

  1. Beneath the big Magnolia in Foust Park;

  2. In Minerva Garden;

  3. Near College Avenue (close to the entrance to Jackson Library);

  4. Near the pedestrian bridge and Herring Garden (outside the music building);

  5. Around the big tree in the courtyard behind the Bryan School of Business, tucked away near Theta and Kenilworth Sts.

Follow them and/or share your ground by clicking on “works” in the site navigation and going to the meeting ground web-based app.

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Equinox Meeting Ground
to Dec 21

Equinox Meeting Ground

Join us at 8:43 a.m., Sunday, Sept 22nd, and through the fall as we see ourselves reflected on the space we hold in common. Share evidence on the Meeting Ground web-based app.

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Ground For Peace
to Dec 22

Ground For Peace


Solstice Sunset

Thursday, December 21, 2023, sunset

Can we come to the ground with common intention? Can we share our grounds for peace?


Take a moment. Pause.

Touch the ground.

Tell us when you are there.


When? Solstice Sunset

December 21, 2023 at your sunset

Where? Wherever you are.

Tell us when you are there.

Why? A collaborative artwork of shared grounds for peace.

Share: Words, images, sounds from your grounds for peace: (or scan the QR code) or email us at

Please include your name if you would like us to credit you as part of a collaborative artwork for shared intentions.

 We look forward to grounding with you on the solstice and all through the season

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Autumn Equinox 2023

Autumn Equinox 2023

Greetings, We are having an issue with our online sharing app. Please meet ground however you can and stay tuned for our virtual gathering on October 14th. Meet Ground with Ari Plutznik, Rejjia Camphor and yourselves, whenever and wherever you can as the seasons shift. We’ll be grounding at 12 pm ET (noon) on Saturday, throughout the day and the season. Ari is a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher who practices in the Insight tradition, with influences from Theravada Vipassana practice, Zen, Jewish Spirituality, and other world wisdom traditions and has offered the following guided practice for the equinox which you can engage outside or inside:

Grounding Meditation (sitting or standing) 

Sit or stand with your feet touching the Earth. If you are sitting in a chair, ensure your feet are resting on the ground, and if you are sitting on a cushion, allow your crossed legs to make contact with the floor, making sure your hips are higher than your knees to relieve tension in the low back. If you choose to stand, place your feet shoulder width apart and stand comfortably. In all positions, assume a posture that gives you a sense of dignity and ease. 

Once in your sitting or standing posture, bring your attention to the felt sensation of pressure of your feet making contact with the Earth. Feel the sensations of the Earth holding you in its gravity. Invite a sense of settling in, of grounding. You might imagine you are like a great tree, with roots going deep in the Earth, so that when the winds of thoughts and emotions come and blow your branches, you are nevertheless grounded. For five minutes or longer, continue to bring your attention to the felt sensation of contact with the ground, and notice how your physical and energetic system reacts to this basic grounding practice.

Try this if you can and share evidence via Meeting Ground app and stay tuned for details on an upcoming virtual gathering where we’ll share strategies for finding balance as the sun moves south. Ari, who is also a dedicated singer-songwriter weaving music and mindfulness practice in his performances with his band, Ari and the Buffalo Kings will be joining us. Updates here and on instagram. @meetinggroundprojects

Looking forward to holding the ground with you however we can.

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Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox

Equinox Meeting Ground with Sister Streamkeeper Rejjia Camphor and Rev. Queen Tuya Nu

5 to 7 pm, Friday, September 23, 2022

Meet Ground with Sister Streamcatcher Rejjia Camphor and Rev. Queen Tuya Nu for the Equinox, in person, on-site in Hanlon Park or via our web-based app.

We’ll gather from 5 to 7 pm, Friday, September 23, 2022, in the park.

5 – 6 pm Ritual Cleaning/Clearing (note: we will be in ceremony and our labor is considered an offering for healing

6 pm Ritual storytelling. Stories of the place. Honoring those who were and are here and hearing about Rejjia Camphor’s actions on the land

6:30 pm Invocations

     Salutations of the 8 directions (everyone who wishes can participate, it’s easy to learn)  - 5 min

     Water pouring for ancestral energies (everyone can call on their ancestors when guided) - 5 min

     Food and activity offering 5 min   

     Seal / ceremony  (10 minutes)

     Closing of rituals and ceremony by Queen Tuya Nu

7:01 pm sunset

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Equinox Ground
to Jun 21

Equinox Ground

Meet the Ground however and wherever you can, feeling your own balance return as light across the planet reaches a state of equilibrium. Share evidence of your ground(ing) as a collective work via our browser-based app

And please join us as we gather virtually at 7 pm EDT, Wednesday, March 23rd, to reflect and discuss with special guests:

-Kavita Gonsalves - Artist and activist whose research focuses on placemaking by marginalized groups through the use of technology.

-Agapetos Fa'aleava -Transhuman Saunter artist, filmmaker, story teller, researcher, activist Samoa/Australia.

RSVP for link:

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Winter Solstice Synchronous Ground
to Dec 21

Winter Solstice Synchronous Ground

December 21, Winter Solstice Synchronous Ground

Join us for a synchronized grounding and light observance  10:58 AM EST, Northern Hemisphere from your location.

Touch the ground and be still in the light.

Share your intentions, if you choose to, by adding your light to the ground using the Meeting Ground app or post to #meeting_ground.

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Ground and Twilight
to Dec 15

Ground and Twilight

Ground and Twilight

What: Ground and twilight

Where: Your Location

When: Twilight or anytime. Join us on Fridays for synchronous grounds. On the solstice (December 21, 2021) share your ground and be still in the light at 10:58 AM EST, Northern Hemisphere.

Why: To witness and pass on the light from your ground.



Meeting Ground will be sharing ground and twilight every Friday through the Fall until Winter Solstice 2021.

Pass on the light as the days grow shorter in the Northern Hemisphere and longer in the Southern.

Witness twilight.

Greet the ground and twilight from wherever you are in your own way. We invite you to join us, in whatever way you can and share your experience.

Share your ground and twilight (if you choose to) with oral, written, poetic, code, graphic, sound, and/or photographic/video form by tagging us #meeting_ground or by visiting The shared grounds will be part of co-created, re-imagined work.

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Grounds for Summer
to Sep 22

Grounds for Summer

Grounds for Summer

What: Hold Ground

Where: Your Location

When: Wednesdays

Why: For yourself + all colonized people


Meeting Ground will be holding and sharing ground every Wednesday through the Fall Equinox, September 22, 2021.

Join us on the Equinox for a synchronous grounding at 3:20 PM EST and gather with us to reflect at 7 PM EST.

Can the ground become a site for shared intention and experience? 

Greet the ground from wherever you are in your own way. We invite you to join us, in whatever way you can, to ground yourself, whether it’s touching the earth itself, the arm of a loved one, or something that connects your senses to either and share your experience.

Share your ground (if you choose to) with oral, written, poetic, code, graphic, sound, and/or photographic/video form by tagging us #meeting_ground. The shared grounds will be part of co-created, re-imagined work.

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